Blog 408

Brighton Young
Feb 12, 2021
  1. Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week.
  2. Explain the use cases for, and differences between — bind, apply and call.
  3. Which (if there is) node library method could you use to solve the algorithm problem you solved last night in your pre-homework?
  4. Which (if there is) node library method could you use to solve the algorithm problem you solved in class tonight?
  5. How do you handle code organization?
  6. How do you handle dependency management?
  7. What is React.cloneElement? And the difference with this.props.children?
  8. Walk us through the process of creation of an application or website you’ve built.
  9. What are the differences between functional and imperative programming styles, and explain your preference, if any.

